Articles Tagged with Shorstein Lasnetski & Gihon

bigstock-Tablet-with-the-chemical-formu-82173965Gov. Ron DeSantis signed new legislation into law that imposes higher penalties for fentanyl trafficking. This new law was enacted along with hundreds of others that were passed during the 2022 legislative session.

The legislation, House Bill 95, titled “Controlled substances” officially took effect on October 1. While the legislation targets crimes committed relating to the drug fentanyl, it covers all types of controlled substances.

Reasoning behind the new legislation

When a person is pulled over for driving under the influence (DUI), the arresting officer will prepare a police report, summarizing the reasons behind the arrest. These reports are important when it comes to prosecuting a DUI case, and they can be helpful for defense attorneys in evaluating the case and determining a strong basis for a defense.

Why DUI Reports Are Valuable

Without DUI reports, the courts can only go off the testimony and viewpoint from the parties involved. Alone, DUI reports are not enough to be considered admissible evidence. The court will not accept the report by itself since the statements constitute hearsay, but the report gives both sides an idea of what the arresting officer would say when called to the stand. Having this information will allow the defendant to prepare a case and fight the charges. The arresting officer’s report can show if there are any weaknesses in the case, including their basis for probable cause in the arrest.

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