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Articles Posted in Drug Crimes


A Defendant in Florida Does Not Always Have a Right to a Jury Trial in a Criminal Case

Most people have heard through school, interaction with the judicial system, television shows or otherwise that there is a constitutional right to  jury trial for people charged with a crime.  This is usually true, but it is not true in every case.  There is an exception for certain minor crimes…


Florida Police Executing Arrest Warrant Do Not Have a Right to Search Surrounding Property

In Florida, the general rule is that the police cannot search a person’s property without a search warrant or specific consent from the owner of that property.  There are exceptions, of course, but a police search without a search warrant or consent is generally going to be illegal.  When the…


Police in Florida Can Knock on Your Door Without a Warrant, but Their Access is Limited

In order for the police to be able to search your home for evidence of a crime, they either have to have a valid search warrant or they have to have consent from the owner or someone with proper authorization to give that consent.  For the latter method, the police…


The War on Drugs Sometimes Causes Police Officers to Forget About the Constitution

Police officers like marijuana arrests because they are easy- they don’t require much work, they don’t require much thought, and they don’t require much, if any, investigation.  This is one of many reasons why dealing with the war on drugs that primarily serves to waste money and increase the size…


Florida Man Arrested for Firearm and Marijuana Charges After Firefighter Spots Illegal Items in his Garage

In Florida, a person enjoys special protection from illegal searches and seizures in his/her home or other residence. At a minimum, this means that police officers and other agents of the state cannot just come into a person’s residence looking for evidence of criminal activity without a search warrant or…


Manufacturer of Highly Dangerous Opioid Drug Fighting (and Paying) to Keep Marijuana Illegal

One sad fact about elections and political movements- they are expensive, and the costs seem to increase each year. As more and more states realize there is a medical benefit to marijuana and it is ridiculous to have it on the list of Schedule I drugs along with substances like…


As the Federal Government Keeps Marijuana as a Schedule I Drug, a New Substance is Added

The federal government maintains a list of Schedule I drugs. According to the United States Drug Enforcement Agency, these are substances that they have determined have a high potential for abuse and have no accepted medical benefit. You do not have to look far down the list to see how…


Federal Court Says Police Cannot Stop Vehicle with License Plate From a Marijuana State

While we certainly agree that having less government in our lives is a good thing, not every government agency shares our sentiments. Specifically, as it relates to the war on drugs, “small government conservative” politicians and law enforcement continue to expend limited resources and money to detain and arrest people…


Florida Court Finds That Police Pressing Key Fob is Not an Illegal Search

In Florida and elsewhere, people have privacy rights in their vehicles. This means that the police generally cannot search a person’s vehicle for drugs or other evidence of criminal activity without consent from the owner or a search warrant. There are some exceptions to this general rule, but the police…

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