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Jacksonville DUI Arrests to Increase for July 4th Weekend

In Jacksonville, Florida it is very common for Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) officers to increase the number of DUI arrests (aka DWI or drunk driving) around July 4th, particularly when July 4th falls on or near a weekend as it does this year. Jacksonville residents may see an increase in DUI checkpoints or roadblocks and Jacksonville police officers on the roads looking for people they suspect are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in certain areas they consider higher DUI crime areas.

Interestingly, police checkpoints for DUI stops and investigations may be more trouble than they are worth, according to an article last year on That article notes that in two years of DUI checkpoints in Arizona, more than 46,000 drivers were stopped, but only 1% of them were arrested for DUI and fewer than half of that 1% were convicted of DUI. The number of DUI arrests did not change whether the DUI checkpoints were in place or not.

If you have any questions about a DUI arrest in Jacksonville or the Northeast Florida area or DUI laws in general, we invite you to contact us any time.

Posted in: DUI
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