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Police in St. Johns County, Florida to Target Underage Drinking

With the 2009 spring break period coming up, police in St. Augustine and other areas of St. Johns County, Florida have indicated that they will increase their focus on underage drinking, particularly during the spring break weeks this month, according to an article on St. Johns County police have said that underage drinking has increased in their county and is more of a problem there than in Jacksonville, Florida and other surrounding locations.

Police in St. Johns County Florida have set up a hotline for people to report crimes involving underage drinking and plan to concentrate on high school and college parties and other locations where teenagers hang out. The police are also apparently going to focus on adults who sell or provide alcohol to minors. Police in St. Johns County, Florida will also test liquor store employees. They often do this by sending in an underaged person to buy alcohol at a particular store and citing or arresting the store clerk if he/she sells the alcohol to the teenager.

In Florida, it is a second degree misdemeanor crime for a person to sell or otherwise provide alcohol to a person under 21 years of age, and it is a second degree misdemeanor crime for a person under 21 to possess alcohol.

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